Outdoor photography for newborns and little kids
Now that the weather is finally getting warmer here in the “north” a few clients have been asking me about outdoor sessions for their little ones. So, I thought I will quickly create a blog with a few tips how to help you best prepare!
Tip #1 is for The Best Outdoor Cake-smash Session
- It doesn’t matter which season you want to do a cake-smash in a field. What matters most is that you have to dress your child accordingly. Nothing is worse than have a cranky baby because they are too cold and their lips are turning purple.
- Trust the professional to choose a location that is easily accessible, and will look great in photos.
- Make sure you communicate with your photographer about the style and the colors you want to have in your session.
- If you are lucky and your baby is born in the summer, one must have item to bring to the session is a type of bug repellent!
- Heirloom items are great for outdoor sessions, don’t forget to show it to your photographer first.
Keep in mind tall grass can be itchy to your little one’s delicate skin! Evelin couldn’t handle it for too long.
Look how the beautiful lilacs match with her outfit just so perfectly.
Now, lets talk about bringing your precious little newborn outside into the elements. Here are some tips to follow when you decide this is what you want to do.
Tip #2 is for The Best Outdoor Newborn Session
- Are you drawn to the beauty of the pretty newborn photos in the middle of a flowery field? Well, that is a great idea, but make sure you only book the outdoor session when the temperature is above 27 C. Newborns are unable to regulate their body temperature easily so undressing them is not a great idea when they can catch a cold.
- If its windy outside you should reschedule. Even a slightest breeze can wake baby up let alone a wind storm.
- Bug repellent is a must! Natural ones are the best and safest. Here is one natural bug spray you might want to try out. Also, we do not spray the baby’s skin directly, just around the perimeter, so you could also bring some repellent that works with battery and put it close by so the mosquitoes will not attack your precious little one.
- Your photographer should be in charge of this, but if he or she is not, please make sure your baby is not directly under the sunlight. Their skin will burn fast and their body temperature will rise quickly. Shade is a must, if there is none, please create some with a white sheet or umbrella.
- Outdoor newborn sessions shouldn’t take too long, I usually finish within one hour. Make sure you bring plenty of drinks and you feed your baby more than usual. They get thirsty too.
Here are some outdoor sessions I have done. The twins were my very first that I did beside the water. They both did very well!
Now, the next image you will see is a composite work I completed. Newborn safety is a must! As you can see, the baby was always safely held by an adult and so was the swing. After the session, I spent a good amount of time on Photoshop to create the final image. It was the same with the two images that appear to be right in the water. Baby was never in danger!
I hope you enjoyed this post about location sessions for little ones. Maybe it inspired you to book an outdoor session of your own for your little one! Experienced your own outdoor session? If you have any other tips for parents or photographers when they take babies outside, feel free to share in the comments!
If you enjoy what you’ve seen above, be sure to explore my session pricing here: http://www.helgaphotography.com/session-details/about-the-session/session-fee/ or click here to book your own little one’s session now. Looking forward to connect with you.